What is Power Dressing? decoding the meaning

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“Style is a reflection of your attitude and your personality.” — Shawn Ashmore

Introduction: Your attire and personality are like a key to the world. What is Power Dressing? Power dressing what you believe you are or what you can adapt to, is what others will perceive of you. It ultimately leads to individuality, which has the defining power to set you apart.

Power Dressing

Decoding Power Dressing: The first impression is the last impression. Our clothing speaks for itself. Even the most minute of details like your hair or shoes or jacket speaks in volumes. For both sexes, if one can adapt to looking the best with the right amount of attitude. It’s not only around the workplace but the fact that people are always constantly judging us. They accordingly maneuver situations. If you dress right and play the part, that immediately gives your sense of individuality. Keeping in mind that clothes maketh the man.

Farthingale Dress

Meaning of Power Dressing: When we talk about power dressing, we simply have to think of the ability to possess the power to define your personality and your career goals through your wardrobe. It is of utmost importance as people will always notice you and speak of your overall appearance. In order to retain a positive perception, it is essential that we make the effort. A dictation of your personal style goes a long way with your aspiring demeanor and authority. We need to walk out of the door playing our roles.

Farthingale Dress

History of Power Dressing: The term ‘power dressing‘ was popularised back in the 80s when shoulder pads and striped suits were an absolute rage and the first ladies were ideal examples when the term was born and we eventually took cues from. Two decades later, it is understood that it’s not about wearing the classic black blazer or the crispest white shirt but rather how you wear it and let it define who you are. The right shade of a sheath dress, the right fitting trousers, or the hemline of your skirt will enhance your features in the right places. Classic and bold silhouettes with a hint of surprise are the best way to accentuate your capabilities in the workplace.

But much before that, we owe the attributes of power dressing to the eloquence behind Elizabeth I voluminous farthingale dress, imposing shoulder rolls, and a display of rubies and gems. Even Egypt’s first pharaoh adopted the men’s way of dressing and took control with a masculine kilt and headdress adorned with cobras. Indira Gandhi and her subsequent followers have also made their due appearance in nationalistic khadi saris. The mention of this is not only to show you how history has cleverly played its part but to draw in some inspiration.

So, what is power dressing,  that powerful weapon that can be used by or against you. The choice is yours. And we must simply use it with great stride.

By: Fleur De Mello

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