Most Wanted Qualities To Be A Successful Fashion Blogger and Social Media Influencer


Story by: Jeremy Cabral

A fashion blogger has to be independent and confident, possessing the potential to carry out every task at it’s best. While in the process risk taking is a part of the game. Risk-taking itself plays a very important role in making your reach your ultimate goal. I don’t intend to scare you but over the past twelve years of blogging I have learned one thing, that this career is not meant for the faint-hearted. I have seen people playing it safe and never managing to reach anywhere leaving them disappointed and discouraged. No back-up career option would make you do justice to your craft because having a back-up means you are still within your comfort zone. Once you have ventured to carve your path in the digital world success is your only vision and you need to keep your focus only on this one goal.

Some may manage to sustain and achieve success in a short span. While others may take many years to create a mark. A very renowned architect once told me that to build residential building you may have to dig around 10 feet to 15 feet to set the foundation. But to build a masterpiece or an architectural marvel you would have to set the foundation 10 times more deeper. Now pause for a moment and think for yourself. Which construction is going to be appreciated by onlookers for years to come? The residential building that was built on set plans and formulas which is more like a no-brainer or the architectural marvel that was attempted for the first time with no reference to any previous work, something that involved a lot of time combined with risk and constant fear of failure.

While it’s not possible to touch on each and every aspect of blogging in one post. I decided to highlight the key qualities that can set you aside from the clutter and focus on achieving your ultimate goal. Here are the four pillars to guide you in this challenging journey without getting discouraged on disappointed.

Clear Goal and Ability to present your Ideas: More than 50% of people don’t know what they want actually. So no matter you are a blogger, Instagram influencer, Youtuber, a Tik Tok enthusiasts or in any other professional, whatever success you are seeking in your life, whether it’s for money, fame or self identity, you should understand the importance of your goal, that what you are looking for exactly. If a person knows what she or he wants, then only thing you need to work is on your actions. Also you need to know how to present yourself in terms of your profession. It’s not about the beautification of your face, it’s about how you carry your personality, skills, confidence and communication strongly and positively. You should present yourself in a way that it can reveal your passion.

Market Intelligence: It’s really important for you to understand and have full knowledge of your goal and interest. Being in any field whether a painter or being a designer you should know the basic rights and wrongs, you need to be professionally intelligent and socially smart. You should keep your eyes and mind focused on what is happening nearby.

Networking & Relationships: One of the most important pillars to create your identity is your networking. No matter how much introvert or extrovert you are, in both the cases, whether you are in job, freelance work or business, you are always dealing with humans. And humans love networking, love relationships. People who allow someone to deal with them, the one who share good networking, they grow faster in their life. I will always say, successful people have very strong alliances. They are expert or skilled people in maintaining relationships, both loving and friendly either professional or personal.

Integrity: The strongest pillar of all is integrity. In simple terms what you are saying you are doing, and vice versa. You must be having moral characteristics, but you need to be strong with words as well. You should deal with integrity with people. One should know how to clean their mess and clear stiffness from your relationship. Investing your money in buying fake followers or promoting a brand which you really don’t believe in is going to do you more harm than good in the long run. Be disciplined and also control your mood swings. So if want to be successful in life you should atleast follow these pillars in your life.

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