Accessorising Men

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By: Roshni Raj

We are dedicating this entire article only for accessorising men today. We happen to come across massive fashion disasters when it comes to men and accessories. So FMW is here to make it easier and effortless for you.

Yes. Hats. No. Caps.

Please boys say no to caps. We are more of a Tom Cruise and Neil Cafferey die-hards than Sachin Tendulkars or Dhoni on field. We suggest bring in those sexy hats that will make heads turn. The slight flash of eye beneath the sheath and now we are talking sexy. Oh La La!


No offence but the spikes cuffs and rubber bands are so not cool. Get over them. Let us move more in the direction of Body Balance Wristbands maybe! The least they do is not scream Yo, I’m the Macho Dewd‘. Also try the thin and sleek ones which are not loud and tacky.

Body Balance Wristbands
Body Balance Wristbands

Pointy cowboy boots in India. Absolute and complete disaster. It’s time people realize how essential it is to understand and comprehend the atmosphere we live in. This ain’t a dessert and you are not Arbaaz Khan. So pick those up and throw them as far as you can from your window. And for those planning on buying them; shoo the idea away from your minds. Instead invest in a pair of sexy loafers or casuals for the weekends. Okay!

Casual Loafers

Beads and chains with fancy pendants.NO!!! Can we please have a bare neck for a change and not feel like someone’s constantly trying to strangle you? We’d have probably made a more intellectual conversation by now if that thing on your neck did not mystify our minds. What do you think of a burgeoning splurge on belts as a swap?

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