How ready are you for a WFH (Work From Home) life In the Hour Of Covid-19 Pandemic?


Story By: Esther Cabral

Work from home! Three words that has completely changed our lives. Amidst news of Covid-19 spreading across India, many companies have given their employees WFH options. This is a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of the novel Corono virus, affecting thousands of people around the world.

Countries like China, Italy, Ireland, Spain and France are under lockdown. A few have issued checks on their borders. Air travel is affected. Event management industry has seen a decline. Hotel industry is experiencing a slowdown. And here we are, trying to be as productive for our companies in these dire times.

Follow a routine

It is extremely important that you figure a routine that works best with your call schedules and other deadlines. FMW suggests you maintain a routine like the one you follow when you go to work. This ensures you are disciplined in your approach and will help you later assimilate into work life better. Barring your travel time, everything should remain the same.

Keep necessary items at hand

Laptop charger, phone charger, notebook, pen, water, something to munch on”¦ the list can go on. Ensure that you keep these handy, so you don’t waste time looking for it.

Create a to-do list

Creating to-do lists is the best way to stay organised. Not just in our professional lives, but personal too. At the end of working hours, create a list of the things you need to tackle the next day. During working hours, add to list and strike off the ones completed. This will not only help you keep a track of your productivity, but also handy when you need to submit your WFH report.

Take breaks ““ but time it

Breaks are important. It will unrealistic to assume that you are working the entire 9 working hours of the day (at least in many industries). Therefore, take breaks but ensure the duration is timed. With family around and Netflix / Hotstar accounts logged into, distractions are aplenty; timing your breaks is important.

Ensure you don’t burnout

Nine hours working means 9 hours working. Many try to overcompensate by being available all the time. Don’t do this unless it is required by your company””those one of cases! Since you’re working from home, you will tend to keep on working which will eventually burn you out. This is where discipline comes in, again.

Working from home is not as easy as it seems, but let’s try and make it worthwhile.

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