DIY Denims at John Players Store

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“A different world, a different worldview. Millennials have grown up in a time of rapid change, giving them a set of priorities and expectations sharply different from previous generations” ““ Goldman Sachs

Millennials are individuals born between 1980-2000. Stated to be probably the largest generation in history, the millennials have defined trends that even businesses today are keeping tab of. It’s quite natural that the fashion world was taken by storm by a generation that takes everything seriously ““ including their appearance.

John Players Jeans has been known to keep up with the demands of the ever so upbeat generation. Cool, stylish and full of life, this season John Players collection is all about patterns and colours. The collection emphasizes on the core qualities of millennials: cool yet urbane. This season John Players Jeans takes the distressed denim to another level. The patch on/ patch off denim with washed denim shirts will take your swag to the next level.

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Fashion Most Wanted had the opportunity to participate in an exclusive DIY session at the John Players store and came up with a look we are literally tied’ to.





DIY is definitely the flavour of the season. John Players Jeans brings to you a range of coolest and the most striking of colors like coral orange, sour green, gold moss and deep teal. And your favorite indigo denim is obviously there to enable the full range of looks in jeans. But why stick to the boring denim when you can go ahead and distress, patch and paint your favorite pair. Here’s how:

The ripped jeans: Almost everyone obsessed with fashion owns a ripped pair of jeans. You don’t have to splurge on these anymore and can easily convert an old pair resting in your wardrobe into a refurbished hip one.


  • Step 1: Pick apair of denim that fits you well
  • Step 2: Apart from the jeans you will need a sharp tool like a scissor or knife or razor to rip the jeans and sand paper, steel wool or pumice stone to distress the jeans.
  • Step 3: Pick the spot you wish to rip. Lay your jeans on a flat surface and mark all the places you want to tear with achalk, a pen or a marker.
  • Step 4: Fraythe spots you want to rip with the sand paper or steel wool or pumice stone. This will weaken the area and thin it out making it easier to rip.
  • Step 5: Once the spots are weak, use scissors or razor to cut  Don’t make very big holes or a very clean cut. Use your hands to rip further to make it seem more natural.

Go patches: If you’re a traveller, why just have your passport do the talking? What if your favorite pair had patchwork of flag replicas of every country you’ve visited?


  • Step 1: Choose Your Jeans
  • Step 2: Choose all the patches you’d like to add to your pair
  • Step 3: Make some stencils
  • Step 4: Start pinning. Pin your patches into place. This is the fun, experimental part of the design process “” go as simple as you like with one knee patch or layer the pieces on top of each other.
  • Step 5: Get ready to do some manual labor. Once you’ve put your vision into place, production begins. A sewing machine will expedite the process, but if you don’t have one, you’ll need to sew the patches using a needle and thread.

Paint it up: Make your skinny pants your canvas.


  • Step 1: Choose your pair of jeans
  • Step 2: Place the jeans over a flat surface. The front of the legs has to be visible and upwards, because this is the part you need to paint. Create patterns with masking tape.
  • Step 3: Paint the different areas you’ve created with the masking tape, take into account that you’ll have to unstick the masking tape and stick it again in the border once it is dry, in order to delimit the areas to paint. Do the same many times until you’ve covered all the surface of the fabric you want.
  • Step 4: Unstick the last pieces of masking tape and leave it dry. Iron the garment over the paint, so the heat fixes the paint to the fabric. They are totally ready, they are just waiting to be worn!

These quick and really budgeted experiments will ensure your plain blue pair gets a quick fashion fix. Get experimenting and send some pictures to show us what the designer in you comes up with.

A FMW Production

Story by: Giselle Mendes | Wardrobe Partner: John Players

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