5 Childhood Memories that We’ll Cherish Forever

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Remember, when we were children and all we wanted to do, was to grow up? All of us thought our life would be sorted once we were older. There will be no exams, no need to take permission for everything, and we could buy anything we want. Anything! Then we grew up and life happened to all of us. Now, all we want is to be a child again, right?

childhood memories

Reminiscing about those days gives me a sense of calm and immense joy, every time. It’s almost like a treasure box. You open the lid once and all beautiful moments burst out of it. So, to celebrate Children’s Day today, let’s take a walk down memory lane. Among many, here are 5 childhood memories we all would cherish forever:

Eventful School Days

They say school days are the golden days of our life. Well, I couldn’t agree more with that. It’s the place that gifted us with our friends, memories, and stories of our lives. For me, my school is my alma mater, my second home. I can claim that each one of us forgot to do our homework, and not just once!

I still remember how we quickly had our lunch and saved time to play more. Sharing tiffin was a whole other chapter. It was more like snatching, stealing, and fighting than sharing! Remember the adrenaline rush before entering the viva hall? And that one teacher who used to silence the entire school with just his/her presence? Well, I’m feeling nostalgic as I write. I can go on forever talking about school memories. Nevertheless, we’ll always go back to those days to find happiness.

Overwhelming Love of Grandparents

If there’s anyone who loves you more than your parents, it’s your grandparents. They love you even more than they love their own children. And it’s true! We all remember how our dadis and nanis spoiled us with their delicious cooking. Every dime you visit them, you return with a couple of kilos of extra weight. With an abundance of love and care, their home is always reeked of comfort. The warmth of a grandparent’s hug remains unparalleled.

They made every holiday feel special and every birthday more memorable. Probably the only ones who saved you numerous times from your angry mum. They never fail to fill your heart with nothing but pure love.

grandparents love

Childhood Games

I’m a 90s kid and there was only one rule in galli cricket at that time. The one who brings the bat is NEVER out! We all had a similar routine. Wake up, go to school, come back, and play. The moment the clock ticked 4 pm, gradually every child in the neighborhood came out. We would even go in groups to call other friends. For the next couple of hours, our world was all about points, game rules, and hundreds of fights.

There were a lot of games we used to play. Carrom, cricket, badminton, hide and seek, and many more. We, the 90s kids, had a special childhood. Since then, we have witnessed the transition of outdoor games to mobile devices. 

T.V, Walkman, & Cassettes 

Let’s start with the most popular ones – Tom & Jerry, Donald Duck, and Mickey mouse. These three were OG cartoons we watched. The Tom and Jerry show was immensely popular among children and adults alike. I still remember the eagerness to come back home from school and watch that show in the evening. Shows like Sa Re Ga Ma Pa and Indian Idol used to be the highlights of the year.

It was also the era of the walkman. Anybody who had a walkman was unofficially declared the coolest kid. Everybody used to buy and collect cassettes of their favorite songs and play them on a tape recorder. It was a task to fix the cassette tape with a pen or pencil, and one of my favorite childhood memories. 


Sibling Rivalry and Love

Siblings always fight when they are young. Regardless of the generation, this remains the truth. My sister and I used to fight a lot when we were little ones. We fought a thousand times over silly things, things that did not matter. When our fight reached its peak, mum impartially scolded both of us. Later on, we became friends after growing up. Our fights still give us a heck of a laugh every time we talk about them. Without even knowing, we created some of our fondest memories, fighting. 

If you ask me what is your favorite childhood memory? I will probably not be able to pick a favorite. Being a child was a blessing and childhood memories are the best memories of my life. Wouldn’t we give anything to get those days back? To live a stress-free life where the hardest thing to do was to study? I, for one, would love to return to when I could be a child, again. 

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