Banish Adult Acne & Regain Your Confidence

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Acne can be a pain when you are already dreading the onset of wrinkles in your mid-twenties. Even if you have managed to graze through your adolescence without a single zit haunting your complexion, adult acne can become your nightmare at any given point of time. Now, for those already facing comedone issues, we have brought some simple solutions and for the others a solid form of prevention, so that they never permeate your peace and give a blow to your confidence.

Tips to get rid of Adult Acne
Tips to get rid of Adult Acne

“Adult acne is more rampant today, than it was in the past.” Dermatologist, Dr. A.K. Malik and the reasons he gives are, “today, our lifestyle changes, our eating habits and our environment ha changes causing the skin to react.” He goes on to tell us that when our pores get clogged with excess oil or dirt, our skin tends to act, irrespective of our age ““ it doesn’t matter whether you are thirty or fifteen.


Another cause of unexpected acne is hormonal imbalance, “this is prominently caused due to stress. Today, one in every five women suffer from PCOS (polycystic ovaries syndrome), which results in extra production of testosterone leading to the generation of excessive oils blocking pores resulting in acne.” He goes on to give us the reason for hormonal changes; “stress and smoking are the prominent factors that cause imbalances in the hormones.” So it’s not only your skin care routine but what you eat and how much you think that effects your skin.

Now, to prevent the acnes from appearing he suggests to mend the ways of the lifestyle, “eat healthy and stress less and quit smoking.” Once you start with these mantras, the skin would retrieve its lost glow and start appear better. If your refuses to budge then, go to your dermatologist, “then you might be subscribed with antibiotics to reduce the inflammation and retinoids for topical treatment of the acne.” If you have irregular cycles and have PCOS then, “you will be put on birth control pills which tone down the male hormones in your body and helps the acne to subside.” Remarks Dr. Malik.

Having said that, what would you to do if you need to hide the hideous acne scars, while undergoing the treatment. For this, celebrity makeup artist, Lisa Eldridge suggests, in her Youtube tutorial on how to cover blemish scars. She suggests to even out the skin with a light-weight foundation and then goes on to spot the problem areas, “then I would start to build up the makeup, either using a concealer or a much heavier foundation ““ just in those areas.” She suggests Vichy Dermablend Foundation, instead of using thick “blanket” of makeup. To set the makeup the in place she suggest Vichy Dermablend Setting Powder, which can hold the makeup in place even after perspiring or bathing, preventing the makeup from fading away.

So, till the time your acne doesn’t go away, go ahead and use these tricks but remember to treat it as it would just not fade away on its own and eat right to get a sumptuous complexion.

By: Sana Passricha

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