Best face wash for men – Waterless face wash!

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We got an exclusive opportunity to test out ‘HE On The Go Waterless Face Wash’, made specifically for men always on the move.

What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you step out? Most often it’s about how you’d brave the scorching sun. How we wished we had one of the best face wash for men.

Looking presentable in every situation is half a battle won, but the fight till the end is lost when the summer heat begins to take a toll. At most times, a quick face wash helps rejuvenate. However, being on the go only means higher chances of not finding a washbasin for that quickie with the face.

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We’ve all wanted to have a face wash that didn’t require water and we’ve dreamed of what it would be like to have clean skin at your fingertips, no matter where. Well, someone’s finally answered our prayers and created a face wash that is WATERLESS.

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You read that right! Innovation is here to mesmerize. HE On The Go Waterless Face Wash is a product straight off the shelves that innovated a technology that does not require you to use water to get that perfect face wash.

Best face wash for men. He Facewash for men on the go

Fashion Most Wanted having got an exclusive opportunity to test out HE On The Go Waterless Face Wash. This face wash made specifically for men always on the move blew our mind away. The mere thought of its existence fascinated us. But we didn’t want to settle easy, we decided to put it to the test.

Here’s the HE report card:

Cleaning: HE Facewash contains aloe vera and minerals from marine extracts. This act as a perfect formula to give you a cleaner, fresher and brighter face. A book in most cases is always judged by its cover. HE is your bestie when you want to ensure you make a good and long-lasting impression.

Usability: Its compact nature makes it efficient to carry around. The product is also extremely easy to use ““ Apply on the face and then wipe off with a handkerchief or a tissue. If you’re heading to a meeting and have the pollution settle on your face, HE Waterless Face Wash will help you revive your brighter glow to ensure the discussion around the table, swings in your favour.

Adaptability: HE Waterless Face Wash has the ability to suit any skin type makes it the best face wash for men. No matter where you travel, or what the weather condition, the HE waterless face wash is your ideal travel buddy

Best face wash for men. How to use it steps

In times of swiping right over lunch and dating over dinner, the importance of looking dapper, fresh, and clean at all times cannot be stressed enough. A quick dab of HE Waterless face wash while you are on the go. Voila! you’re all ready to woo your way through.

Someone helping you stay on top of your A-Game while you focus on seizing the day. Indeed, He Waterless Face Wash is the best face wash for men

Carpe Diem we say!

You can buy the product –  20g for Rs. 35/- and 50g for Rs. 85/-

A FMW Production

Story by: Giselle Mendes | Photography: Sushant Sawant

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